The Craft of Graphic Art; A unique collection of original high quality original
prints from 1493 – 1910. This unique publishing event is the culmination of many
years devoted collecting by the late Dusseldorf bookseller Hans Marcus, an
experienced bibliophile and expert on old prints. These are outstanding
collections detailing the many stages of the world’s pre-industrial printmaking
techniques over five centuries.
For more details, please contact
Price: EUR12,250
The Book of Kells -We are pleased to recommend a fine reproduction of The Book of Kells by Faksimile Verlag Luzern in Switzerland.Irish monks, once the storms of the mass migrations had quietened down, took to spread the Christian faith all over Europe by their dedicated mission during the 5th, 6th and 7th centuries. The age-old Irish-Celtic culture began to fuse with the impressions gathered by the monks during their extended dangerous travels. At that time, also called The Time of Scholars and Saints, the Irish monasteries were influential cultural and spiritual centres of Europe. At the height of Irish monasticism its most precious work was created, the Book of Kells. Price: EUR14,650
British Conservative Party Publications; Includes material on the following topics; Labour, Industry, Nationalisation, Agriculture, Socialism, Unionism, Conservatism, Empire, Housing, Trade Unions, Research Department Publications, Central Office Leaflets and General Election Memos.
Approximately 850 items. Price: EUR7, 950