Book Collections and Library Services


Kennys Book Collections

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The Best Festivals in Alicante: Experience Year-Round Celebrations

The Timeless Evolution of Pearl Jewelry: From Iconic Elegance to Trendsetting Glamour

Rare and Interesting Books

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Introducing our Collections

Drawing on international contacts as well as over 60 years experience in the book-trade, we are pleased to  offer quality subject collections (i.e. out of print academic books in the English language) to libraries and book dealers around the world.  Our collections can be found in libraries worldwide, they vary in size from 25 volumes to several thousand and can be on any subject. If you order custom term papers from our site, we can promise that our collection will be of great use and will make your paper a work of quality.

All collections are housed in our custom-built warehouse which can house up to 300,000 volumes at any one time.  Material for the  collections is chosen by an experienced team and cataloguing is carried out by our highly skilled cataloguers. 
In addition to Manuscript Archives we have sold many important Academic and Historical Collections in the past.   Our clients include major centres of research throughout the world including Stanford University, Ohio State University, Boston College, Boston Public Library and Yale.

European Studies Music
Agriculture Germany and the
Two World Wars
Political Science
America Healthcare Psychology
Asia History Rare and
Interesting Books
Asia-Pacific Irish Studies Regional Studies
Britain India Religious Studies
Business & Management Jewish Studies and
The Holocaust
vsmall-new.gif (116 bytes)Colonialism and Imperialism Law/ International Law Social Studies
Databases, Manuscripts & Archives Latin America Sport / Leisure / Physical  Education
Economics Macro
Literature The Arts
Economics Macro
Media Studies Transport
Education Microeconomics Urban Studies
Environment Middle East Women's Studies
  • Individual catalogues are available on this site for all collections listed.

  • New collections are added on a weekly basis - clients are informed by email of new additions to these pages.

  • The collection can be reserved exclusively for a specified period of time.

  • The collection can be broken down to suit requirements e.g. if there are any duplicates; the client must purchase a minimum of 50% of the titles in any one collection.


Kennys Book Collections is a division of Kennys Book Export Co. Ltd. located in Galway in the West of Ireland  The company specialises in building Subject Collections for customers worldwide.