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Rare and Interesting Books

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Collection Title Price Euros Category


19th Century French Literature Individually Priced Literature
Aboriginal Australia Individually Priced Asia-Pacific
vsmall-new.gif (116 bytes)Abyssinia/ Ethiopia Individually Priced Africa
A Century of Conflict in Indochina 1875 - 1975
The Politics and Personalities of War in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos
A Collection of Novels
1880 -1930
€10,750 Literature
A Comprehensive History of British Housing Policy and Town Planning
150A.D. - Present
Individually Priced Urban Studies
A Concise History of World War 2 Individually Priced Germany and 2 World Wars
A Miscellany of Middle East Literature Individually Priced The Middle East
vsmall-new.gif (116 bytes)A Political & Economic History of Malaysia in the Twentieth Century Individually Priced Asia
A Rare Miscellany Individually Priced Asia
vsmall-new.gif (116 bytes)A Selection of Rare and Antiquarian Books
(ongoing list)
Individually Priced


Rare and Interesting
A Selection of Rare and Antiquarian Books List 14 Individually Priced Rare and Interesting
vsmall-new.gif (116 bytes)A Selection of Rare and Antiquarian Books List 15 Individually Priced Rare and Interesting
A Selection of Rare Pamphlet Material and Ephemera Individually Priced European Studies
A Selection of Rare Wartime Pamphlets & Miscellaneous Publications Individually Priced Germany and the 2 World Wars
A Selection of United Nations Pamphlets, Reports & Publications Individually Priced Law
A Study of the Social Impact of Drugs and Alcohol on American Society ¬5,330 Social Studies
A Study of World Mythology and Folklore Individually Priced Literature
A Survey of East European Authors and Literature in Translation Individually Priced European Studies
A Survey of the Canadian Economy ¬1,450 Macro Economics National
A Survey of the
Middle East:
It's People, Culture and History
Middle East
Accountancy Post 1960


Business Management
An Introduction to Indian History Individually
An Introduction to the
Economies of Latin America
¬2,000 Macro Economics National
An Introduction To The Pacific Region Individually Priced Asia-Pacific
Adolf Hitler:
A study in dictatorship
Individually Priced Germany and 2 World Wars
Africa Rare Books Individually Priced Africa
Africa Writing from the Dark Continent Individually Priced Africa
African Culture and Anthropology

Individually Priced

African Exploration and  Travel  in the 19th Century Individually Priced Africa
After the Blitz:
Urban Renewal in Post War Britain
Individually Priced Urban Studies
Agriculture of Crop Science and Soil Cultivation ¬4,400 Agriculture
Agricultural Economics and Farm Production ¬7,350 Microeconomics
Agricultural Technology and Mechanisation ¬1,265 Agriculture
Alaska 2 Individually Priced Regional
American & Western Involvement in the Asia Pacific Rim: Nineteenth & Twentieth Centuries Individually Priced Asia
Ancient China Individually Priced Asia
Ancient Civilisation of the Middle East Individually Priced The Middle East
Animal Husbandry and Livestock Agriculture Individually Priced Agriculture
Antiquarian Law Individually Priced Rare & Interesting
America Politics 2 ¬7,805 America
American Civil War Individually Priced America
American Folk Songs Individually Priced Music
American Housing Policy
and Programmes
Individually Priced Urban Studies
American Minority Peoples Individually Priced America
An Egypt Miscellany Individually Priced Africa
Anarchism: The Politics Of Conflict Individually Priced Political Science
Animal Husbandry and Livestock Individually Priced Agriculture
Anti-Semitism and the Jewish Question Individually Priced Jewish Studies Holocaust
Argentina: Selected Text Individually Priced Latin America
Art Monographs of the 20th Century Individually Priced The Arts
Asia: A Miscellany Individually Priced Asia
Asian Cultural Studies Individually Priced Asia
Aspects of the English Language ¬20,950 Literature
Aspects of Women and Work:
equal opportunity and the struggle for economic and industrial rights.
¬9,500 Women's Studies
Australia: A Collection of 19th Century British Parliamentary Papers €75,000 Asia-Pacific
Australia: Land & People Individually Priced Asia-Pacific
Australian Children's Books ¬5,950 Literature
vsmall-new.gif (116 bytes)Aviation 5 €4,950 Transport


Ballet & Dance Individually Priced The Arts
Ball Games ¬15,870 Sport Leisure and Physical Education
Ball Games 2 ¬6,980 Sport Leisure and Physical Education
Ballads and Song Individually Priced Music
Balkan and East European Political Leaders Individually Priced European Studies
Balkans and East Europe History and Travel Individually Price European Studies
Behavioural Studies:
Psychology and Social Deviance
¬6,250 Psychology
Bhutan Individually Price India
Biblia Pauperum
The Paupers Bible
¬1,250 Religious Studies
Biblical Studies: Testament Histories & Commentaries Individually Priced Religious Studies
Biographical Studies of American Business Leaders:
Influence and Control
Individually Priced Business and Management
Bolívar: Man and Work Individually Priced Latin America
Booker Prize Individually Priced Literature
Books and Bibliography ¬110,000 Literature
Brazil: Selected Texts Individually Priced Latin America
British and European Business Law Individually Priced Business and Management
British Educational History ¬5,080 Education
British Government in the 20th Century ¬4,380 Britain
British Industrial History Individually Priced Britain
British Labour History ¬7,935 Britain
British Parliamentary Papers - Asylums Individually Priced Social Studies
British Parliamentary Papers
Australia - New Zealand
Individually Priced Regional
British Parliamentary Papers:
Famine in India
Individually Priced India
British Parliamentary Papers
Industrial Schools
Individually Priced Business and Management
British Parliamentary Papers - Japan Individually Priced Asia
British Parliamentary Papers - Mines and Collieries Individually Priced Business and Management
British Parliamentary Papers
Poor Law and Poverty
Individually Priced Social Studies
British Parliamentary Papers
Railways in India
Individually Priced India
vsmall-new.gif (116 bytes)British Parliamentary Papers - Social & Material Conditions in India in the 19th & 20th Centuries Individually Priced India
British Topography and Local History Individually Priced Britain
British Wartime Publications1938-1948 ¬3,750 Britain
British Wartime Political Pamphlets ¬1,900 Britain
vsmall-new.gif (116 bytes)Burma Travel Diaries Individually Priced Asia
Business & Economics in China Individually Priced Asia
Business Biographies
Industrial History
Individually Priced Business and Management
Business Histories of British Firms Individually Priced Business and Management


Caribbean and the West Indies Individually Priced Regional
The Carin II 48,500 Germany and 2 World Wars
Central Asia Individually Priced Asia
Ceylon/Sri Lanka Individually Priced Asia-Pacific
Civil Service and Local Government in Britain ¬13,645 Britain
Charities, Trusts & NGO’s Individually Priced Microeconomics
Chile: Selected Texts Individually Priced Latin America
China: A Selection of Rare & Interesting Titles Individually Priced Asia
China in Literature Individually Priced Asia
China In World Affairs Individually Priced Asia
China Rare Books Individually Priced Asia
Chinese Language & Literature Individually Priced Asia
Civil Conflict in China Individually Priced Asia
vsmall-new.gif (116 bytes)Codification of International Law and the Laws of Nations Individually Priced Law / International Law
Colonial India: The Rise and Fall of the British Raj Individually Priced India
vsmall-new.gif (116 bytes) Colonialism and Imperialism History Individually Priced Colonialism and Imperialism
Communism in China Individually Priced Asia
Communist China: 1949 to Present Individually Priced Asia
Communist China: 1949 to Present Individually Priced Asia
Communist International Individually Priced Political Science
Comparative Religion Individually Priced Religious Studies
Computers for Business:
Data Processing and Business Information Systems
¬3,750 Business and Management
Conflict in the Middle East Individually Priced Middle East
Consumer Behaviour and Individual Choice Individually Priced Microeconomics
Consumers and Consumer Theory Individually Priced Microeconomics
Contemporary Crafts Of Japan: Individually Priced Asia
Contemporary China:
From the Cultural Revolution to the Present
Individually Priced Asia
Contemporary Pamphlets From The French Revolution Individually Priced European Studies
Corporate Culture & Multinationals Individually Priced Business and Management
The Countries of South East Asia Individually Priced Asia
Crime & Policing Individually Priced Law/International Law
Crime and Punishment Individually Priced Social Studies
vsmall-new.gif (116 bytes)Criminal Justice Individually Priced Social Studies
vsmall-new.gif (116 bytes)Crisis of Empire:
Self-Determination and the Post Colonial Period
Individually Priced Colonialism and Imperialism
Cuba: Anatomy of a Country Individually Priced Latin America
Cultural Anthropology Individually Priced Social Studies


David Lloyd George:
British Wartime Prime Minister and Leader
Death Penalty/ Capital Punishment €465 Law/International Law
Depressions and Fluctuations:
The Business Cycle in Theory and Practice
¬2,500 Business and Management
Diplomatic & Consular Practice: The Mechanics of National Representation of Overseas Individually
Law/International Law
Doctors, Patients and the Hospital
A History of Social Interaction
Dynamic Models of Business Change: Performance, Re-structuring and Strategic Planning Individually
Business and Management


Early Industrial Development in Britain and America to the 20th Century ¬5,460 Microeconomics
Early Industrial History Individually Priced Business & Management
Early Latin American Civilisations Individually Priced Regional Studies
Earth Resources and Sustainable Progress ¬9,455 Environment
vsmall-new.gif (116 bytes)East Africa 5 Individually Priced Africa
vsmall-new.gif (116 bytes)East / West Relations:
The United States and the Soviet Union in the 20th Century
Political Science
Economic Fluctuations:
Theories of Economic Growth and Recession
Macro Economics National
Economic Theories Pre 1960 ¬1,585 Business and Management
Economics of Industrial & Manufacturing Theory Individually Priced Economics Macro Global
Economics of Inflation Individually Priced Macro Economics National
Economics of Unemployment,
Welfare and Social Security
Individually Priced Macro Economics National
Edmund Burke Individually Priced Literature
Egyptology Individually Priced Africa
Emigration and Ethnic Minorities Individually Priced America
Empire & Nationalism in Asia Individually Priced Asia
Empires, Colonialism and Imperialism:
An Introductory History

Individually Priced

Colonialism and Imperialism
vsmall-new.gif (116 bytes)Empires, Colonialism and Imperialism:
An Introductory History 2
Individually Priced Colonialism and Imperialism
Environmental Law ¬3,045 Environment
European Political Integration since 1945:
The Common Market and the European Community
Individually Priced European Studies
Europe and the European Idea
Conflict and Change
Individually Priced European Studies
Extremism and the Underground Political Press Individually Priced Political Science
Exploration and Travel in
The Middle East
Individually Priced The Middle East


Facsimiles of Rare Books and Manuscripts ¬15,650 Literature
Faksimile Verlag Luzern Individually Priced Rare & Interesting
vsmall-new.gif (116 bytes)Family Welfare Individually Priced Social Studies
Famous Composers Individually Priced Music
Farming and Society:
A Historical Survey of World Agriculture
Individually Priced Agriculture
Fascism Individually
Political Science
Film Individually
The Arts
Fine Facsimile Reprints From Art Codex Individually
The Arts
Fiscal and Budgetary Policies of the National American Economy Individually
Macro Economics National
From Victoria to George – British Politics & People Individually
From Common Market to
European Unity
¬2,950 Economics Macro Global
From The Treaty of Versailles to the Yalta Conference:
War and Transition in East Europe 1919-1945
Individually Priced European Studies
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance ¬1,750 Business and Management


George Berkeley Individually Priced Irish Studies
German Labour Individually Priced Business and Management
Germany and the Two World Wars - A Collection of Rare and Antiquarian Volumes 741 Germany and the Two World Wars
German Social History: The Nineteenth & Twentieth Centuries Individually Priced Germany and the Two World Wars
Ghettos, Concentration Camps
"The Final Solution"
Individually Priced Jewish Studies
Greece and Turkey -
Antiquity and Advance
Individually Priced European Studies
Group Counselling and Self Help ¬1,650 Social Studies
Guerrilla Leaders & Revolutionary Movements in the 20th Century Individually Priced Latin America
Guerrilla, Liberation & Revolution in Theory & Practice Individually Priced Political Science
Guerrilla & Resistance Movements in the Second World War Individually Priced Political Science
Guy A. Aldred Individually Priced Political Science


Healthcare for Women:
Medical Aspects of the Human Body
¬4,885 Women's Studies
History and Principles of Political Economy Individually Priced Macro Economics National
History, Culture and Politics of Black Americans from Slavery to Civil Rights Individually Priced America
History of British Boating and Sailing Individually Priced Sport and Leisure
History of British Radio and Television Broadcasting Individually Priced Media Studies
History of Cinema Individually Priced Media Studies
History of Commercial Banking Individually Priced Macro Economics National
 History of Co-Operatives


Business Management
History of Education ¬34,915 Education
History of Education 2 ¬15,875 Education
History of Education and Educational Systems in America ¬38,090 Education
History of Girls Schools
in the UK
Individually Priced Education
History of Imperial China Individually Priced Asia
History of Modern Political Thought ¬16,060 Political Science
History of Music ¬4,400 Music
History of  the Native American Indian 2 Individually Priced America
History of State and Central Banks in Industrialised Countries Individually Priced Macro Economics National
of the
Irish Parliament 1692-1800
Individually Priced Irish Studies
Hong Kong: Selected Texts Individually Priced Asia
Hospital Histories Individually Priced Healthcare
Hotel Histories ¬2,845 Business and Management
Housing and Urban Planning ¬4,725 Environment
Hunting and Big Game Individually Priced Africa
Hymns - Ancient and Modern Individually Priced Music


Imperial Conquest & Colonial Latin America Individually Priced Latin America
Impressions of East Europe and The Balkans:
Introductory Readings
Individually Priced European Studies
In Combat:
A collection of the Military Biographies, Diaries and Memoirs from World War II
Individually Priced Germany and the Two World Wars
Independence & After: Indian Political Leadership Individually Priced India
The Industrial revolution & Consequences Individually Priced Economics Macro Global
Industry and Manufacture:
Rare and Antiquarian Selection
Individually Priced Business and Management
Industry, Labour, & Soviet Economic Development Individually Priced Russia
vsmall-new.gif (116 bytes)India- A Selection of Rare & Interesting Individually Priced India
vsmall-new.gif (116 bytes)India in World Affairs Individually Priced India
Indian Economic Planning Individually Priced India
India: Peoples, Culture & Society Individually Priced India
India Politics and Society
From the Colonial Era to the Present
Individually Priced India
India - Rare Books Individually Priced India
Indian Religious Thought & Philosophy Individually Priced India
Inter-War Europe
Politics, Policies and the Descent into the
Second World War
Individually Priced Germany and the Two World Wars
International Espionage Individually Priced Political Science
International Espionage, Intelligence and Spying Since 1945 Individually Priced Political Science
Intelligence & Espionage In World War II Individually Priced Political Science
International Interests in the Middle East Individually Priced The Middle East
International Law and Indigenous People Individually Priced Law /International Law
International Money:
Banking, Currencies and Monetary Exchange Markets
Individually Priced Economics Macro Global
International Relations with China in the 20th Century Individually
International Politics and World Order Individually
Law / International Law
International Terrorism Individually
Political Science
Interpersonal Relationships and the Institution of Marriage ¬3,235 Social Studies
Introducing the History, Culture and People of the West Indies and the Caribbean  Islands Individually Priced Regional Studies
Introduction to Business Policy:
Behaviour and Strategy
Individually Priced Business and Management
Introduction to Central & Latin America Individually Priced Latin America
Introduction to Sociology:
A Selection of Social Science Texts
Published before 1950
¬3,045 Social Studies
Introduction to Sociology 2:
A Selection of Science Texts from 1950 to the Present

¬4,760 Social Studies
Introduction to South East Asia Individually Priced Asia
Introductory Texts and Readings in Macro Economic Theory ¬2,950 Macro Economics National
Introductory Texts and Readings in Microeconomic Theory ¬2,300 Microeconomics
The Irish Enlightenment Individually Priced Literary Studies
Irish Statutes Individually Priced Irish Studies
Islamic Studies Individually Priced Religious Studies
Issues in the Economic Theory of Public Finance ¬1,250 Macro Economics National
Issues of Personnel Administration and Conditions in The Working Environment ¬3,250 Microeconomics


Jack Lindsay Individually
Japan 1856-1870: A Collection of 24 Rare British Parliamentary Papers €7,600 Asia
Japan During and After the 2nd World War Individually
vsmall-new.gif (116 bytes)Japanese Economy Individually Priced Microeconomics
Japanese Naval History Individually Priced Asia
Japanese Rare Books Individually Priced Asia
J.B.Priestley Individually Priced Literature
Jewish Studies-
Post Holocaust II
Individually Priced Religious Studies
Jewish Thought
and Religion:
An Introduction to Judaism
Individually Priced Jewish Studies
Jewish Studies Post Holocaust Individually Priced Jewish Studies
The Jesuits and Japan – Early Accounts Individually Priced Asia
Jonathan Swift Individually Priced Literature
John Heartfield ¬8,250 Literature
John Maynard Keynes And Early 20th Century Economics Individually Priced Global Macroeconomics
John Ruskin and Victorian Aesthetics €2,950 Britain
John Wesley & Methodism Individually Priced Religious Studies


Kashmir and Indo- Pakistan Relations Individually Priced India
Kazuko Shiraishi, The Japanese “Beat” Poet. €8,950 Asia
Kim Il Sung Individually Priced Asia
Korea, Rare and Interesting Books Individually Priced Asia
A Korean Miscellany Individually Priced Asia


Labour and Socialist Parties in England before
¬2,855 Britain
Labour Book Service ¬2,150 Political Science
Labour Relations:
A Study of Industry and Trade Union Interaction
Individually Priced Microeconomics
Labour Welfare ¬12,695 Business and Management
Lafcadio Hearn Individually Priced Literary
vsmall-new.gif (116 bytes)Landmarks of Economics Thought Pre & Post Keynes Individually Priced Global Macroeconomics
Landscape Gardening ¬2,535 Environment
Languages of the Pacific Rim Individually Priced Regional Studies
Latin American Literature & Writings Individually Priced Latin America
Latin American Peoples & Culture: Ancient & Modern Individually Priced Latin America
Left Book Club ¬10,790 Political Science
Lenin: The Man & the Work Individually Priced Russia
Liberation Theology €5,950 Religious Studies
Life of Jesus Individually Priced Religious Studies
Life of Jesus 2 Individually Priced Religious Studies
Literary & Mythology Fiction of India Individually Priced India
Literary Fiction in the 20th Century
Responses to the Holocaust and World Wars
Individually Priced Germany and the 2 World Wars
Living with A.I.D.S Individually Priced Healthcare
Local History and Topography of the
United States
Individually Priced America
vsmall-new.gif (116 bytes)London: A Descriptive History Individually Priced Britain


Mahatma Gandhi: The Man & The Work Individually Priced India
Man and Society ¬1,900 Social Studies
Man & Society: The Sociology of Human Relations (Texts from Before 1950) Individually Priced Social Studies
Man and the Future
The Impact of Technology and Innovation on Social Values
¬4,060 Social Studies
Mans Pollution of Land,
Sea and Air
¬8,695 Environment
Man State and Society in the Contemporary Middle East Individually Priced The Middle East
Management of Agriculture:
The Policies, Development and Economics of Farming
Individually Priced Agriculture
Management Science: The Principles and Practice of Leadership Individually Priced Business & Management
Mao - Tse Tung and Modern China Individually Priced Asia
Mao - Tse Tung
His Life and Influence
Individually Priced Asia
Mao Tse-Tung and the Cultural Revolution Individually Priced Asia
Market Development and the Planned Economies of East European and Balkan Countries Individually Priced European Studies
Marx and Marxism 3 ¬6,855 Political Science
Marketing 6 Individually Price Business and Management
Masterworks of Economics -
A Selection of Rare and Antiquarian.
Texts by Galbraith, Keynes, Jevons and Drucker
Individually Priced Economics Macro Global
Masterworks of Economic Thought and Political Economy in the 19th Century Individually Priced Economics Macro Global
Maths and Statistics for Business Applications ¬1,950 Business and Management
Mathematics and Statistics for
Economics and Business:
Forecasting, Analysis and Research
¬1,750 Macro Economics National
Media Studies €5,250 Media Studies
Medical Ethics and Nursing ¬22,855 Healthcare
Medieval Church Individually Priced Religious
Melanesia and the South Pacific Individually Priced Asia-Pacific
Method in Philosophy-
Reason, Concept and Design
¬2,890 Psychology
Mergers & Acquisitions Individually Priced Business and Management
Mexico: Selected Texts Individually Priced Latin America
Militarism and the Great War
Individually Priced Germany and the Two World Wars
Minority Religions in Asia Individually Priced Asia
Missions & Missionaries in India Individually Priced India
Missions and Missionaries in
India and East Asia
Individually Priced Asia
Modern European Literature in Translation Individually Priced Literary
Modern First Editions Individually Priced Literary
Modern First Editions in Translation Individually Priced Literary
Mohandas Karamachand
"Mohatma" Ghandi-
A Selection of Rare and Interesting Pamphlets
Individually Priced India
Monopoly, Cartels and Trusts:
The Economics of Competition Theory
Individually Priced Microeconomics
Museum Studies ¬1,250 The Arts
Music Technique and Theory Individually Priced Music
Musical Instruments Individually Priced Music
Mussolini and Italian Fascism Individually Priced Germany and the Two World Wars


Atlantic Partnership and Alliance
Individually Priced Law / International Law
Napoleon and the
French Revolution
Individually Priced European Studies
Nazi War Trials:
War Crimes and International Justice
Individually Priced Jewish Studies and the Holocaust
New Political Landscapes of the Post-War World: The Superpowers and a divided Europe Individually Priced Political Science
New York -
It's People, Culture and Society
Individually Priced America
New Zealand: History & Culture Individually Priced Asia-Pacific
19th & 20th Century German Literature Individually Priced Literature
The Nuclear Arms Race and World Politics: Deterrence, Strategic, Defence, and Atomic Weapons Individually Priced Law / International Law
vsmall-new.gif (116 bytes)Nuclear Disarmament & International Arms Control: Issues & Agreements

Individually Priced

Law/ International Law


Oliver Goldsmith €895 Literature
Operations Research and Management:
Product Development for the Business Firm
¬2,900 Business and Management
Opium War Individually Priced Asia
An Outline History of China Individually Priced Asia


Pan- Africanism II Individually Priced Africa
Panama & The Panama Canal Individually Priced Latin America
Parasites and Pests of Farm Crops and Animals Individually Priced Agriculture
Parenting Issues and Child
¬3,615 Social Studies
Penguin African Library ¬1,500 Africa
People & Society in the USSR Individually Priced Russia
People, Society and Chinese Culture Individually Priced Asia
Prisons & Penology in Nineteenth Century Britain Individually Priced Law/International Law
Personal Career Development and Employee Skills and Training ¬6,950 Microeconomics
Physical Education Individually Priced Sport Leisure and Physical Education
Policies, Economics and Monetary Theory ¬8,250 Economics Macro Global
Political and Military Aspects of the Falklands War Individually Priced History
Political and Social Anarchy Individually Priced Political Science
vsmall-new.gif (116 bytes)Political Economy of the Nineteenth & Twentieth Centuries Individually Priced Economics Macro Global
Political Studies in South East Asia Individually Priced Asia
Political Leadership
in the
2 World Wars
Individually Priced Germany and the Two World Wars
Political Pamphlets Individually Priced Political Science
Political Philosophy: Texts & Lectures Individually Priced Political Science
Politics and International Strategy in Asia Individually Priced Asia
Politics & Revolution in Latin America Individually Priced Latin America
Poor Laws & Social Relief in Britain Individually Priced Britain
Poor Law - A Collection of Books Pamphlets Articles and Acts Individually Priced History
Post Stalinist Russia 1953- 1985. From Détente to Glasnost Individually Priced Russia
Preaching & Sermons: Religious Doctrines From The 17th Through 19th Centuries Individually Priced Religious Studies
Price And The Theory of Relative Value Individually Priced Economics Macro Global
vsmall-new.gif (116 bytes)Principles of 20th Century Auditing and Accounting €4,595 Business and Management
Protestantism Individually Priced Religious Studies
vsmall-new.gif (116 bytes)Psychology:
A Selection of Readings
Individually Priced Psychology
Psychology in the Business Environment ¬3,950 Business and Management


Rare and Interesting Books on Christian Religion and Science Individually Priced Religious Studies
Rare Books on Banking Individually Priced Macro Economics National
China Rare Books Individually Priced Asia
Readings and Texts
in Urban
Economic Theory
¬1,750 Macro Economics National
Real Estate Individually Priced Business and Management
Recent Antiquarian Acquisitions Individually Priced Rare & Interesting
Religion in Communist Russia Individually Priced Russia
Religion & Thought In China Individually Priced Asia
Religious Catalogue Individually Priced Religious Studies
Reports of the Fifty Second Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science ¬4,950 History
Revolution & Counter Revolution in China 1911 – 1949 Individually Priced Asia
Richard M. Nixon ¬3,805 Political Science
Right Book Club ¬1,250 Political Science
Rural Social Systems in America Individually Priced America
Russo-Japanese War Individually Priced Asia
Russian Armed Forces & Two World Wars Individually Priced Russia
Russia History & Politics: A Selection of Out of Print and Interesting Titles Individually Priced Russia


SECURING THE SEAS - The Soviet Naval Challenge & Western Alliance Optional Individually Priced Russia
Selected Publications of the National Bureau of Economic Research 1921-1995 ¬4,950 Economics Macro Global
Selection of Medical Textbooks
¬1,545 Healthcare
Selection of Private Press and Limited Signed Editions Individually Priced Literature
17th, 18th & 19th Century Pamphlets Economist Politics Individually Priced Britain
17th, 18th & 19th Century Pamphlets – General Miscellany Individually Priced Britain
A Selection of Rare and Unusual Texts
Individually Priced Literature
Shakespeare's England-
A Social and Literary History of England in Shakespeare's Time
¬7,950 Britain
Shaping The Nation
States of the Balkans 1800-1918
Political Ferment and the End of
Individually Priced European Studies
vsmall-new.gif (116 bytes)Siebold’s Florilegium of Japanese Plants €6,950 Asia
Sino-Japanese Conflict 1931-1932 Individually Priced Asia
Social Ethics:
Taboo, Morality and Social Behaviour
¬6,345 Psychology
Socialising the American Child
through the Literature
of 1940's and 1950's
¬12,695 America
Social Problems and Issues 2
Texts from after 1950
¬1,585 Social Studies
Social Realities of Crime  Delinquency and the Policing
of Communities
Social Studies
Sociological Approach to Population Studies:
From Malthus to Millennium
Individually Priced Social Studies
Sociology and
Social Science
Individually Priced Social Studies
South East Asia 3 ¬5,250 Asia
vsmall-new.gif (116 bytes)Space Exploration
 International Law
Individually Priced Law / International Law
Spanish Civil War ¬13,900 European Studies
Speech Language and Hearing Problems ¬3,360 Healthcare
Sport and Physical Education ¬31,110 Sport Leisure and Physical Education
Stalinist Russia 1924-1953 Individually Priced Russia
Stress in the City ¬8,250 Urban Studies
Sun Yat Sen 4 Individually Priced Asia


Texts and Readings in Economics 1900-1939:
Depression and Recovery
Individually Priced Economics Macro Global
Texts and Readings in Economics
1945 - 1949:
The Era of Big Business
Individually Priced Economics Macro Global
Texts and Readings in Economics
Wealth and Recession
Individually Priced Economics Macro Global
Thatcherism  and Tory Party History ¬6,345 Political Science
Thatcherism and Tory Party History 2 ¬7,615 Political Science
The Age of Steam:
The History and Development of the English Railway System
Individually Priced Transport
The American Business Firm Individually Priced Business and Management
The American Economy:
An Introductory Analysis of its History and Structure
¬3,150 Macro Economics National
The American Railroad Individually Priced Transport
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